La Página

filled with a whole lot of

not because i have nothing to say
but perhaps because
i have entirely too much to share

the words
sailing thru
my mind
like a ship
with no compass
no captain
and no navigator

the stories only i can tell
because i have lived them
sit in the recesses
of my brain
waiting to be written
yearning to get out

the memories
of adventures
tempted to be told
of secrets
eager to be shared

still she remains
la página en blanco
bare and bereft
qué esperas – give me purpose

her canvas yearning
for me to weave
my wicked words
all over her cloth
to bring color
to her lifeless frame

but all i can do
is frown
at my brain fog
and walk away

freelance writer & travel blogger

La Trekista

freelance writer & travel blogger