Grateful I am

rainstorms on a sunny day
short lines at the post office

homemade lemonade & fresh
squeezed orange juice

open til 3am bodegas
and 99cent stores where
everything costs ….. 99 cents

light & flaky buttery croissants
straight outta the oven

coin laundromats with free WiFi
where strangers do not remove
my clothes from the dryer

paperless statements &
free online banking

grateful I am for

double dark chocolate gelato
with extra whipped cream

cash reward credit cards
and atm fee reimbursed checking accounts

frozen ring dings
and no sugar cashew milk

fair trade and ethically sourced
Nigerian shea butter

the last ripened avocado
sitting in my fruit bowl

grateful I am for

hair school salons
with saturday hours
& $9 haircuts

non-stop flights
with sleeping babies
& tasty, healthy meal options

unlimited cell phone plans
under $50 & no dropped calls

DMV locations with short wait times
and friendly agents

high altitude mountain hikes
in the Andes

grateful I am for

the welcome cabeceo
at the milonga’s last tanda

drivers who use
their turn signals

mindfulness meditation
and donation based yoga

I am the most grateful for

the laughter of children
the smile of a stranger
birds singing outside my bedroom window
my nephew for teaching me what
unconditional love looks like

overcoming my childhood shyness
showing compassion to myself and others
recovery from a heartbreaking divorce
holding myself accountable for my words and actions

Lolita Lebron
Rafael Cancel Miranda
Blanca Canales
Don Pedro Albizu Campos
Filiberto Ojeda Ríos
Oscar López Rivera
Daisy Sánchez
María de Lourdes Santiago Negrón
all past, present and future
who believe in a
Free & Sovereign Puerto Rico

always grateful I am for

having courage to leave
the 8-5 corporate grind

those positive, supportive, loving
friends and family members
especially my benevolent ancestors
all who guide, nurture and strengthen me

to the Universe
for my every breath
for each opportunity
to make our world just a little bit sweeter

freelance writer & travel blogger

La Trekista

freelance writer & travel blogger